Monday, August 13, 2012

Becoming Unbecoming

As you can probably tell I don’t talk like that anymore.  Trandroid indicates in the introduction that they have not met their maker.  I am that maker.  

that was the blueprint.  that was the beginning.  the prototype.
I wanted the perspective of a being who could come into the world without any understanding of gender.  and to build on the experiences in relationship to repeated patterns
I wanted the impossible.

looking back on it I see that I wrote about how artificial intelligence works
how the patterns create a program and how choice can be influenced by patterns.
it’s the same way intelligence works

this is how performance is transformative.

I became Trandroid through a series of repeated patterns
putting on this black dress and cutting it off 14 times
wearing electrical tape and jewels on my face
and found Trandroid becoming on me.
like a summer skirt or a sweater dress
something I don’t want to take off

However, being a Robot is something I have found unbecoming of my gender.

I have embodied Trandroid for two years
I have questioned changing my body
I have shown you my body
I am not my body
My body belongs to me

I am gender ambivalent

1. The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, object, or idea.
2. Uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which course to follow.

I fused myself to this Robot and realize that I have made a huge mistake.

Here is what I know when Trandroid is an overlay
like a transparency film layed over a projected image
my representation;

These are the bot elements:

  • the ability to record and perceive information and develop patterns
  • to execute and repeat these patterns flawlessly
  • a lack of empathy
  • the ability to switch hardware

These are the elements of me:

  • an inability to start from scratch perceiving information
  • a gendered body
  • fallible, insecure, and compassionate
  • resourceful, opportunistic, self serving

These are the elements of the overlay;

  • a mask of infallibility, an inability to repeat patterns
  • faulty programming for movement and speech
  • a hardware/software disconnect
  • an untruth - a faulty robot

I have met my maker.

and what I am left with is this ambivalence
but I have compassion and empathy
I am not programmed to love you
I simply do love you.

An ATM machine is programmed to say “Thank you” at the end of a transaction
but an ATM machine does not feel gratitude 

the gratitude I feel when I look at you

and you see me

I am gender ambivalent.  believe me.
I don’t know and I don’t need words for my gender

My name is AJ
you can call me Trandroid

but I would like to make one point abundantly clear...

I am not a robot.